Tuesday, August 9, 2011

World Is Like A Tissue Paper

As soon when a drop of ink falls on a tissue paper it allows the ink to spread thoroughly. As like the blood which flows through the nerves and spread throughout the body.
Everything has a birth place no matter it is Organic or inorganic, Natural or artificial, Scientific or unscientific, Spiritual or nonspiritual, Evil or God
Everything which is in this world is originated from each and every small point’s of the massive ball and spreads all over the globe like the ink dropped on a tissue paper.
Example Cracker, Cigarette, Industry, religion, pizza ext is born from a particular place and has been spread throughout the world.
[If ink drops more than tissue paper observability it will lose its quality and it tears easily]
[If the paper and the ink get to artiest hands it will become an art work and will be just preserved]
[If we don’t put ink into the paper it may be used to wipe shits]
Giving life to earth is very simple we should make it to originate in some place or the process will be done by the nature itself.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Aquatic creatures who have Less than six senses are maintaining 75% of earth perfectly but us with 25% of land we have failed. “Think healthy and make this world healthy”

Food industry and cooking food is foolishness of humanity.
If we remove industry from our food web then we could supply food for all and if we stop cooking food we could reduce our cultivation.
Energy is the main source of existence and food supplies it to us.
By cooking and food industries we reduce the energy from food.
This is the right time to stop and look back or as per darwin’s theory of evolution our anatomy and hormones will be changed to adapt artificial food and if this happens this world will not be sufficient for cultivation.
There is no point in reducing energy from a source and consuming it…

Monday, June 6, 2011

“Be here, like this, forever…. Or Become a god….”

Bacteria, microbes, virus are our ancestors but today they have been killed by us.
This is because of their huge mistake of promoting living creatures in this world.
It is the theory of existence; if one creates something then the one should sacrifice itself to the fertility of its creation.
If god created us, he should have been dead as soon when he created us or he should have slowly sacrificed his life to our fertility. This is past….
In future if man invents new species then the whole human race should get vanished to the nourishment of the new specie.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Journey Through Our Face

Hide your face just before you turn out to be a hero, all superheroes do that
Only by looking at a face you could feel others, I feel face is used by humans for some kind of transformation between them, Face is our identity, without it the word I do not excises, Of Course our body will be alive but the thing I will get vanish
Face is what all about life deal with, life enters through our face and it react according to the damnations in our face, so explore infinity number of new life’s with in u by just modifying your face.
This idea will be better than suicide for the person who has messed up in their life. The Only thing u have to do is modify your face, life changes automatically and have fun in setting your life version two, Life version two will be cool because it is set by u not by someone else like god
What I’m saying has lot difference from terrorism which you have to think……..

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hate Love

Hate to love, hate everything,
U love something to make nothing,
Love is devil; love is a weapon of disaster,
Girls loss their virginity for the reason of love,
It is not a big problem but something is destroyed for the reason of love,
If u love a fish, u will eat it or destroy its habitat,
U don’t bother to feel it, but u simply love it,
If u love nature u will explore and explore more,
The nature gets decayed under cities and towns
And finally now u are located in-between the printed cardboard,
This is all because of love.
Please don’t love, learn to hate,
As much as Love taste sweet, it’s poisoned,
World is ruled by devils in the name of god
Dig the grave of god within u and declare his freedom,
Hate counties to bring Peace
Hate this world; hate everything in this world,
Finally hate me and my thoughts.
Hate u!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


  In a massive white empty place a monkey is been chained and it is trying to split the chain to reach the banana bunch which was kept at a distance from it. On the other side of it an elephant is chained and trying to crush the chain. Monkey and elephant tried hard to break the chain before one other to take the banana bunch which was in the center of them.
                  Suddenly the banana bunch goes upward and there chain was discharge and they both were pushed together to the center. They were stunned and had no hope to get the banana. While that time elephant sat down and it was keep on looking at the banana continuously. Seeing this monkey was wondering why the elephant is looking like that. After some time elephant was not there. Monkey was freak-out and looked in every direction he couldn’t find elephant. When monkey looked up it was stunned to see the elephant flying towards the banana at a snail's pace. It had many feathers all over its body which is flapping very fast to lift elephants’ huge body. Understanding how the elephant did it first monkey thought of a toy helicopter to carry it to the banana. As it thought a toy helicopter carried it but it did not fly height because of overweight. Then the monkey thought of a rocket and a rocket was tied to its back and as it thinks the rocket was fired. The rocket went side words then burst out into dust. By this time elephant reached half the distance this made monkey to get tensed and couldn’t think anything.
                     Finally monkey thought of steps to climb up, to reach the banana. As soon as it thought steps were created till the banana. Monkey with a great enthusiastic energy climbed up very fast. When monkey cross the elephant. Elephant was attracted and its thought was disturbed and it started to fall. As well as when the monkeys look elephant go down. Monkey thought was also disturbed and steps started to collapse. When they both reached the ground they continued to do same but they both did not achieve in reaching the banana. After five to six times of trying they were in the situation where they couldn’t move, they were injured and damaged badly.
                     They both were looking at the banana for long time. After few mints both thought to change this condition and thought of being happy by creating things from their thoughts and they decided to give the banana to other. As soon when they thought the banana started to come down. They both were fighting to give the banana to other. Finally they both went without having the banana.
                       After few years in a thick beautiful forest full off huge trees, wonderful waterfalls, color full flowers and fruits which were all created by monkey. Monkey enjoyed every movement in his own world. The forest will be changing and growing every day as the monkey likes. Monkey lived happily ever after. Forest had everything which monkey liked but except banana.
                          On an end day monkey was moving around the forest. Monkey stops at a place where trees ware all broken and damaged. Monkey was wondering, how this happened without its knowledge? Then monkey was looking at a broken branch as if it was spellbound. The broken branch was in banana shape. After a long time of thinking monkey came to know about banana and it wanted to taste it. Monkey decided to think and create banana. Suddenly everything around it was vanished to an empty place. Monkey was chained; banana was created and kept in center and after some second an elephant which was chained appeared and the whole thing was looped again and again.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tinku and Jinku

                                     There lived tow headed worm beneath the ground. Their name is Tinku and Jinku. They both had a dream to come out and see the world above the ground.                                                
                                      One day Tinku out of his curiosity to explore the new world came outside. But jinku was very afraid of the dangers outside. He did not like to take risk. Tinku pulled out jinku to admire the beautiful world outside. But jinku pulled him down to be safe from the dangers outside.                                   
                                      Somehow Tinku convinced jinku. They both came out. They admired the sunlight, fresh air, greeny trees, blue sea and a dark moving shadow. Then only they found out that it was the shadow of a sparrow. The sparrow came near to eat them. They started to run. Both ran in different directions. At last they escaped from the sparrow.
                                      Tinku and Jinku became tired and they took rest under a rock. It was not a rock, it was a crab. The crab started to harm them. They both got frightened and continued to run. To escape from the crab they jumped into the sea. They thought they were safe now. Suddenly they realized something is coming towards them and they very well know it’s going to be the next danger. But now they did not feel their desire to explore the world outside was wrong. They felt the experience which they got was exciting and challenging than their boredom life beneath the ground. They liked their new life. They were happy to face challenges. Now they made them ready to face the sea horror.

The Kids Are All Right

A pretty little girl was living in a big city with her mom and dad. The little girl one day was crying. Her mom asked her why she was crying. She said the city is full of noise, pollution and she also disliked the mechanical life of her parents. Her mom and dad were not able to console her. They decided to leave their daughter in her grandmother's house which is situated far away from the city. it was a beautiful village. Little girl was not happy there also.  She was afraid about the mosquito, snakes, insects and creepy plants in the village. She felt that the life in the village is very difficult. Now the little girl didn't know where to live. She cried, cried and cried.

Dream Death

             A space craft was gathering data about the stars of northern skies. Suddenly it experienced a huge sound while recording video of stars. It immediately traced the sound. It found out that a comet was coming towards the space craft at a very high speed .In a fraction of second the comet crossed the space craft and moved towards the earth in the same speed. Due to the speed of comet solar plate of the space craft burst into pieces. The space craft lost its path. It was totally out of control. Down in the earth a fielder is running in the city street looking up into the sky. He was wearing helmet, wrist band, gloves, cricket shoes and he was also wearing pads for his rib, shoulders, thighs and legs. He was looking like a fielder.                                                                                                                                                                The comet is coming closer to the earth. It hit the earth’s atmosphere and it caught fire. At the same time the fielder pushed everyone in the street and was aiming to catch something from the sky. The comet came closer and closer to the earth’s crust. Before it reached the ground the fielder catches the comet.  As soon as the fielder caught the comet an Alien umpire from a planet of another Galaxy showed his hands for out. An Alien batsman broke his bat in anger because of his failure in the match and he returned to his pavilion. At that time the space craft which went out of control came and hit the batsman           
                                    Feeling this dreadful scene of his dream the boy woke up. When he opened his eyes really a huge comet came and hit the earth. The earth destroyed into pieces.                                        

Brave Emerge From Dark

                                         An old man was living alone in the top of a hill. He was not afraid of forest animals, insects, scary trees and lonely mountains but the only thing which frightens him is the darkness. The old man cannot be without the light in the night. One day the old man after having his dinner was tuning his radio  to hear songs. Suddenly the lights were put off. His power machine got repaired. He had candles, he immediately lighted them. The next second a wind came and blew off all the candles. He was left alone in the darkness. He got frightened and his heart beat went high. He closed his eyes very tightly. After some time he slowly opened his eyes and saw. He realized nothing happened to him. He experienced the darkness and he learns to see things in the dark. There after the old man spent his night in the dark without the lamp.

Life From A Print

                                  There was a man, he use to sleep with worries and get up with worries. He was very stressful because he beloved that whatever he wanted to or wish to happen will never happens. His predictions will always go wrong.            
                                   One day morning he woke up and he decided to do nothing on that day. He did not predict anything; he was just simply sitting on his bed.                      
                                    Few minutes after he was attracted by a impression which was caused by the moisture in his eyes. He started to play with it. He predicted that the moisture would remain in one place but his predictions went wrong as usual. The moisture did not remain in one place. He dragged it to the top and tried to make it stop at one place but he failed. He thought that it was because of him and he stopped trying.
                                   He changed his focus towards the window. Few minutes later he realized that the impression is now staying in one place. As soon he changed his focus on the impression it started to move. When he changed his focus on something else, the impression remained in one place.
                                 The man realized that his body is his guide and he learned to focus on his life with a new idea.