Saturday, June 11, 2011

Aquatic creatures who have Less than six senses are maintaining 75% of earth perfectly but us with 25% of land we have failed. “Think healthy and make this world healthy”

Food industry and cooking food is foolishness of humanity.
If we remove industry from our food web then we could supply food for all and if we stop cooking food we could reduce our cultivation.
Energy is the main source of existence and food supplies it to us.
By cooking and food industries we reduce the energy from food.
This is the right time to stop and look back or as per darwin’s theory of evolution our anatomy and hormones will be changed to adapt artificial food and if this happens this world will not be sufficient for cultivation.
There is no point in reducing energy from a source and consuming it…

Monday, June 6, 2011

“Be here, like this, forever…. Or Become a god….”

Bacteria, microbes, virus are our ancestors but today they have been killed by us.
This is because of their huge mistake of promoting living creatures in this world.
It is the theory of existence; if one creates something then the one should sacrifice itself to the fertility of its creation.
If god created us, he should have been dead as soon when he created us or he should have slowly sacrificed his life to our fertility. This is past….
In future if man invents new species then the whole human race should get vanished to the nourishment of the new specie.